Renovation/adaptive reuse of 100 year old church into nine 1,200 square foot townhouse condominium units with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths and basement or attic
Existing Conditions before Development: circa 1985
development Team
Joint venture of Alexander Sotir, contractor; Richard Polan Associates, Inc., architect; and Bacon & Company
Design team
Architect: Richard Polan Associates, Inc.
Property awarded by the City of Baltimore to the partnership through a public offering process; the church was one of two remaining properties in Otterbein, an historic neighborhood originally slated for demolition for a highway, which was stopped largely through efforts of community leaders Barbara Mikulski and Mildred Moon. Otterbein historic homes that had been acquired by the city government for the highway, subsequently were offered when the highway was halted through one of the earliest and highly successful Urban Homesteading effort whereby homes were awarded for $1 as a result of a lottery.